16mm Pietersite/Pietercite Gold/Olive
Single Twist & Sawcut w Pinches
Sterling Silver
Size 7 to 7-1/4">

Z Artie Yellowhorse - Navajo
1" Ring - Round-Medium
16mm Pietersite/Pietercite Gold/Olive
Single Twist & Sawcut w Pinches
Sterling Silver
Size 7 to 7-1/4

Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo - New Mexico, USA

Beautiful  patterns and chatoyance can be found in this Gold/Olive Pietersite ring set by Artie's saw cutting ace, Henry Chackee.  Most Pietersite rings have a larger footprint than this in order to capture the qualities of the stone but this is chock full in a little package.  Note: the overhead lighting fixture is reflected in the ring. New Photos added.

Remember to check the dimensions-the photos are extreme close-ups 
The photos are often MUCH larger than the actual piece

Materials:  Natural Pietersite (Gold-Brown-Olive dominant)  & Sterling Silver

Size:  7to 7-1/4

Diameter (Including Perimeter & Cabochon): 1"

Diiameter (Cabochon Only): 16mm

Weight: .5oz/13g/0.03lb

Signed: Artie Yellowhorse

Hallmarked: Sterling


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