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Andres Quandelacy, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico
Andres Quandelacy's work is instantly recognizable to those familiar with it. He is particularly noted for profiled mountain lions with the tail curled on the back, and bears, both with heart lines.
Andres is a sibling of noted carvers Stewart, Faye, and Sandra Quandelacy among many others. According to Kent McManis' book; Zuni Fetishes and Carvings, all members of Andres generation (11 all tolled) are carvers.
This is a very pretty piece of picasso stone.. Andres has added both Turquoise eyes and heart line.
Unsigned - This is normal for Andres
Length: 2-3/8"
Width: 7/16"
Height: 1"
Weight: .5oz/15gr/0.033lbs
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