"J" Miscellaneous Artist, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA This attractive, well-executed bracelet is in the older style of Navajo jewelry featuring an oxidized and burnished finish with hammered and stamped designs. This...
Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo Beautiful oval of natural Kingman turquoise. This handmade ring features Artie's unique and elegant, burst beads of sterling silver. Brilliant cabochon with both green and blue. Check the dimensions-the photos...
Tahe, Franklin & Verna (Navajo) - Native American Jewelry Tahe classic coil wire earrings. Regardless of size, materials, and/or number of coils, this has been a hugely popular design. I...
Joe Piaso Jr, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA Joe is only one of the artists that makes this fabulously popular design to particular specifications. Lena Platero is most famous for this...
Andres Quandelacy, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico Andres Quandelacy's work is instantly recognizable to those familiar with it. He is particularly noted for profiled mountain lions with the tail curled on...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo Wow! Sleeping Beauty Turquoise like you used to see ten years ago. You rarely see bright, blue, clear Sleeping Beauty like this anymore, at any price. Add to...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo This lovely ring features an excellent example of present-day, available. high-quality natural Sleeping Beauty turquoise. The mine closed to turquoise harvesting in 2011, so whatever appears now was...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo - New Mexico, USA Large, beautiful, and richly colored, this heart-shaped Blue Kingman Turquoise pendant is spectacular. The setting is Artie's unique handmade twist and burst beads of sterling...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo Large, baby-blue mottled rounds of Denim Lapis, handmade double twist (large & small) silver perimeter. Click here Yellowhorse Double Twist Collection for other styles & sizes. Check the...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo - New Mexico, USA Native American Jewelry These beautiful earrings feature Artie's domed center set in a base of silver with a single twist and bead perimeter. All handmade. Supplied with...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo - New Mexico, USA Native American Jewelry These beautiful earrings feature Artie's domed center set in a base of silver with a single twist and bead perimeter. All handmade. Supplied with rubber...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo What a stunning special piece from Yellowhorse. It is designed by Artie's eldest daughter, Desiree. When available it is made in a variety of perimeter finishes, stone selections, and...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo Distinct powder blue of Golden Hill Turquoise are the hallmarks of this set. Last I checked, Artie is out of Golden Hill and doesn't expect to have...
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Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo Absolutely gorgeous set. Rich shades of purple, nicely sized, without being overpowering. The stones are incredibly well matched, one of the standout hallmarks of this set. It is...
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Delvin John, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA Delvin is only one of the artists that makes this fabulously popular design to particular specifications. Lena Platero is most famous for this...
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Joe Piaso Jr, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA Joe is only one of the artists that makes this fabulously popular design to particular specifications. Lena Platero is most famous for this...
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Lena Platero, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA Lena is very well known for her feather design jewelry. She has been making it for at least 40 years. Sometimes her health prevents...
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Lena Platero, Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA Lena is very well known for her feather design jewelry. She has been making it for at least 40 years. Sometimes her health prevents...
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Michael Thompson Navajo, New Mexico, USA Beautifully executed piece by an artist who is no longer with us; Michael died a number of years ago. When I still come across any of...
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Andres Quandelacy, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico Andres Quandelacy's work is instantly recognizable to those familiar with it. He is particularly noted for profiled mountain lions with the tail curled on...
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Andres Quandelacy, Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico Andres Quandelacy's work is instantly recognizable to those familiar with it. He is particularly noted for profiled mountain lions with the tail curled on...
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Franklin & Verna Tahe, Navajo Nice contrast between the silver-backed gold fill ropes and the flanking silver. Very sharp clean metal-work. Part of a large purchase in 2011 of new old...