Wydell Billie, Navajo - New Mexico Wydell's work has a signature sterling silver coil perimeter that delivers a classy look. It's probably not fair to characterize it this way but...
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Arick & L Lukila Zuni Jewelry- Zuni, New Mexico, USA This is a signature design by the Lukilas, this one in coral. It is a lovely design. It is lightweight and iridescent. This...
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Artist/Source: Arick & L Lukila Zuni Jewelry- Zuni, New Mexico, USA Native American Indian Jewelry : This is a signature design by the Lukilas, this one in turquoise. It is a lovely...
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Cathy Webster, Navajo - New Mexico, USA Native American Jewelry This is beautiful turquoise with variegated inclusions that leave the earrings with a cloud like appearance broken up with the onyx...
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Eldrick & Charlotte Seoutewa - Zuni This is a lovely example of the Seoutewas inlay work. Depending on the size of your wrist, it can be worn tight around the...
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Elsie Armstrong Navajo Jewelry New Mexico, USA These are so unique, I'm very partial to the rain cloud design. I love the color combination. I had another pair with lapis but...
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GWR Zuni - New Mexico Native American Jewelry Bright imitation (white) opal earrings with handmade silver chain bails and channel inlay setting. I haven't been able to identify exactly who GWR...
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Myron passed (March 2, 2016) at the age of 49 SOLD OUT Myron Panteah Zuni/Navajo - New Mexico Native American Jewelry : This striking little spider is one of Myron's many animal designs. Myron...
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Dane Malani. Zuni. Extremely well executed rabbit. This piece has a lot of character and more attention to detail than most of Dane's work. I love the ears on this...
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Rick Quam - Zuni Carving Adorable rabbit formed in a beautiful piece of dolomite formed to provide a uniquely colored tail. **Buy $100 of combined items and get free shipping**...