Polished Tufa Cast
"Waffle" Pattern
Sterling Silver">

Peter Nelson - Navajo
1/2" Earrings - Rectangles
Polished Tufa Cast
"Waffle" Pattern
Sterling Silver

Peter Nelson, Navajo Jewelry - Arizona, USA  - Native American Jewelry

Polished Tufa-cast, totally handmade by award winning artist. Every one is different, I call this style "waffle" Pattern.  

Click on Peter Nelson collection (above) to view variations on this and to see other Peter Nelson works.

Buy $100 of combined items and get free shipping
Remember to check the dimensions-the photos are extreme close-ups 
The photos are often MUCH larger than the actual piece


Purchased directly from the artist.

Materials: Sterling Silver

Dimensions: 1/2"H x 3/8"W

Weight: .1oz/3gr/.01lbs

Hallmarked: Sterling 



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