Eagle with Eaglet
Zuni Fetish Carving
Derrick Kaamasee
Variscite w Coral Eyes

Derrick Kaamasee  Zuni Fetish Carver

Like most of Derrick's work, there is great attention to detail.  It feature an eagle with one eaglet chick at the feet.   This was made in 2017 and is just coming out of the vault.  I'm reasonably certain this is a variscite.  It might be turquoise, but I'm going with variscite.

One of the most prominent of the extended Laate family of carvers, Derrick is related to the late Pernell Laate (d),  Elton Kaamasee, Rueben Najera, Max Laate, Lewis Malie, Calvin Weeka Sr (d), Jerrold Lahaleon (d), and Alvert Lamy.

All are very skilled at the realistic style of fetish.  

Remember to check the dimensions-the photos are extreme close-ups 
The photos are often MUCH larger than the actual piece

Signed: DK Zuni

Length (Depth): 1-9/16" 

Width: 5/8"

Height: 2"

Weight: 1.3oz/36gr/0.08lbs


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