8mm Denim Lapis
Single Bead
Sterling Silver
Size 7">
Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo
This is a one of Artie's most popular repeatable design rings and among my favorites. I usually carry it in various stones and multiple sizes.
Click here to see options: Artie Yellowhorse Round Single Bead Collection
Materials: Denim Lapis & Sterling Silver
Sizes - SEE DROP-DOWN BELOW List for Size Availability & Price
Diameter - Total (Including Perimeter & Cabochon): 9/16" Nominal
Diameter (Cabochon Only): 8mm
Weight: .2oz/6gr/0.013lbs
Signed: Artie Yellowhorse
Hallmarked: Sterling
Angela Martin, Navajo Jeweler LAST ONE Near the top of my favorite rings in the year I found them. I may have this in several sizes and versions, these are...
Angela Martin, Navajo This ring looks really nice on a finger. Angela has been making jewelry since age 13, taught, along with her siblings, by her father and uncle. Click...
Angela Martin- New Mexico, USA Pretty little ring , particularly good for thin fingers. Remember to check the dimensions-the photos are extreme close-ups Size: 7 Materials: Sterling Silver and Purple Spiny Oyster Outside...
Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo - New Mexico, USA Blue/Gold Pietersite. Pietersite pieces look very different under various lighting situations. These photos were taken undirect light to show the color variations in...