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Travis Lasiloo, Zuni Pueblo, NM
The best horse fetish I've ever seen. Another very special carving from Travis. I'm always amazed at the lack of representation of horses in fetishes, particularly good, realistic ones. In this, I finally found what I've been looking for. There was no listing of the material but I believe it is marble.
This piece was isolated in a case of unique items and grabbed it.
Travis is a member of the vast extended fetish carving families that include the late Staley Natewa, the late Bremette Epaloose; the Cheamas - Wilfred, Arvella, Vivian, Fabian, and Lance; Kenny Chavez, and Hudson Sandy - among many, many others.
Remember to check the dimensions - the photos are extreme close-ups.
Long: 2-3/4"
Wide: 9/16"
Height: 1-1/4"
Signed: Not that I can find
Weight: .7oz/21gr/0.046lbs
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Jamie Homer, Zuni I'm not sure of Jamie's lineage but I suspect he is part of the younger generation of the Leekya Deyuse family. This style of this bear falls...
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Clissa Martin, Zuni Here's a REALLY unique piece. This is a life-sized mouse (actually it's a bit larger than life). It's terrifically well executed. I thought the tail was glued on,...
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Robert Weakee, Zuni Great fetish cat Christmas ornament. Robert is an award-winning fourth generation carving decedent of the great Teddy Weahkee. He concentrates his work with deer and elk antler. ...
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Robert Weakee, Zuni Small cat dressed as a Christmas elf. Robert searches out various non-traditional stones and crystals that will provide accent and color. Robert is an award-winning fourth generation...