36mm x 18mm Orange Spiny
Long Oval
Large & Tiny Beads
Sterling Silver">

Artie Yellowhorse - Navajo
1-7/8" Pendant
36mm x 18mm Orange Spiny
Long Oval
Large & Tiny Beads
Sterling Silver

Artie Yellowhorse, Navajo

Medium-dark Orange Spiny long oval with vertical striations and light horizontal "waves".

Click this link to see Artie Yellowhorse Orange and Red Spiny Collection 

Gift Boxed

Height (total including bail and attachment ring): 2-1/2"H

Dimensions (pendant only): 1-7/8H x 1-1/4"W 

Dimensions (cabochon only): 36mm x 18mm

Depth: 3/8"

Weight: 1 oz/26gr/0.06lbs

Signed: Artie Yellowhorse

Hallmarked: Sterling


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